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Cad Bane has range on Clone Commandos. He shots and scores 4 hits. Obi Wan in within Guardian range and Guardians 3 and deflects 1 damage back to Cad Cad bane; However, Cad bane is not in LOS of Obi Wan only in LOS to the Commandos. There is no reference to this interaction in the rules... 100% agree Obi can Guardian as he does have LOS to the commandos and is within range 1, But does he deflect the 1 damage to Cad bane as he has no LOS too him.

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Hi there,

LOS is only required between the defending unit and the friendly unit using Guardian X. Wounds can be suffered by the attacker as a result of Deflect regardless of whether or not they have LOS to the unit using Guardian X.


2 hours ago, darthgallant said:

But does he deflect the 1 damage to Cad bane as he has no LOS too him.


Hope this helps,

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