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Movement over vertical height and cohesion.

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Say the grey blocks are terrain of vertical height less than, but close to 1. The grey circle is a unit with the Scale keyword. The unit activates and the Leader traces the movement tool over to the second grey block.

As per the image below, is this a valid move? There is not room enough for 4 miniatures to be placed in cohesion, so the fourth one has to be placed on the ground, far beyond the units silhouette.

If it is a valid move, could it also be performed with a unit not having the Scale keyword? For the sake of argument, let's say the height difference is less than the units silhouette.


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Hi there,

On 9/9/2024 at 3:21 AM, takras said:

As per the image below, is this a valid move?

Yes. If one of the miniatures cannot be placed in cohesion, place it as close as possible to its unit leader.

On 9/9/2024 at 3:21 AM, takras said:

If it is a valid move, could it also be performed with a unit not having the Scale keyword? For the sake of argument, let's say the height difference is less than the units silhouette.

Yes. "When determine the height of the terrain for the purposes of performing a movement or a climb, measure the height of the part of the terrain the miniatures are moving or climbing to, subtracting the height of any terrain the miniatures may be on." While the unit may have had to climb to the second piece of terrain if starting on the battlefield surface (or, if greater than height 1, may not have been able to climb it at all), they are not beginning their move on the battlefield in your example. They may place their movement tool overlapping the other obstacle terrain as it is not taller than their silhouette, as determined from their starting location, and they move across that gap.

Hope this helps,

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