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Can Loki's leadership, I Come Bearing Gifts, be used and a power be given to Loki if the reroll is prevented?

As example, Venom is attacking Thor. Thor is not allowed to modify defense dice so therefore cannot reroll. Can Thor still pay 1 during the modify phase and Loki get that 1 power? The pay appears to be a separate condition prior to the reroll and the reroll is may along with not being a requirement to pass power.

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On 9/13/2024 at 7:30 AM, TatsuyaEX said:

Can Loki's leadership, I Come Bearing Gifts, be used and a power be given to Loki if the reroll is prevented?


As you mentioned, nothing prevents the leadership from being used and then once used, the effects of the Leadership occur independently of each other. The power gain is not dependent on the reroll occurring

This thread has some more details as to why it isn't dependent.


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