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Use of Advantage Tokens (Pass Tokens) in round 1 activation 1

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Hello, i have a question regarding the advantage Tokens (Pass Tokens).

Following scenario, I play Seps with 12 Activations aganst rebels with 15. I get 2 advantage Tokens. My opponent has the advanced intel advantage, so he gets 1 pass token. 

I activate first and move in my first unite. Can my opponent pass imidiatly as his first activation? 

Because in the rulebook it say "If a player did not pass on their previous turn this turn this round", which implies that he had to activate a unit first, to pass in his second activation right ?

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Hi there,

On 9/15/2024 at 6:00 AM, Lish said:

Can my opponent pass imidiatly as his first activation? 

Because in the rulebook it say "If a player did not pass on their previous turn this turn this round", which implies that he had to activate a unit first, to pass in his second activation right ?

Yes, a player may spend an advantage token to pass as their first turn during the game.

The rules do not state a player has to activate a unit first; only that they didn't pass on their previous turn - which they have not, as they have not even had a turn yet!

Hope this helps,

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