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A question arose during a recent game with regards to placing a Base (POI) during set up for the Destroy Enemy Base secondary objective.

During set up each player chooses where they want to place a Base with the only restriction being it must be beyond Range 1 of a battlefield edge. Additionally, per the CRB Objective tokens cannot be placed overlapping impassable terrain, non-area terrain, or on obstacle terrain above height 2.

However, since this Base is being placed during set up does it also gain the following benefit: 

"During Setup, if an objective token should be placed at a position where the above conditions are not met, players must adjust terrain placement in a mutually agreeable manner..." (per the Placing Objectives entry)

Does this mean a player may elect to place their Base in a location where it may be "illegal" such as on top of a height 2 obstacle terrain and then move said terrain piece in order to have the Base in a 'legal' position?

The rules are clear for a Primary Objective as those are pre-determined positions but we would like to know if a player may essentially place a Base wherever they want as well.

Thank you!

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Hi there,

The quoted section of the Objective Tokens entry ("...if an objective token should be placed at a position where the above conditions are not met...") addresses when a Point-of-Interest token must be placed somewhere according to your Objective Card's corresponding Map Card.

It does not apply to player-placed POIs such as those described in the Destroy Enemy Base secondary objective card; these tokens can and should be placed according to the given parameters & players may not move terrain to create new spaces to place them.


17 hours ago, Avacado said:

Does this mean a player may elect to place their Base in a location where it may be "illegal" such as on top of a height 2 obstacle terrain and then move said terrain piece in order to have the Base in a 'legal' position?

The rules are clear for a Primary Objective as those are pre-determined positions but we would like to know if a player may essentially place a Base wherever they want as well.

They will place their Base POI following the conditions given in the Placing Objective Tokens entry. They may not move terrain when doing so.

Hope this helps,

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