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Looking for clarification on this command card. The command card states that any unit Dooku attacks that turn gains 2 suppression. It does not use the Suppressive keyword however, so I am wondering how this interacts with his Force Lightning which is Suppressive. Do these stack? 

More simply, is a unit targeted by Force Lightning on the turn Fear, Surprise, Intimidation is played suffering 2 or 4 suppression? 


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A unit attacked by Count Dooku while the Fear, Surprise, Intimidation command card is in play is assigned 2 suppression tokens. This is in addition to any that would have been generated by the attack in general.


12 hours ago, Nostromo said:

am wondering how this interacts with his Force Lightning which is Suppressive. Do these stack? 


12 hours ago, Nostromo said:

is a unit targeted by Force Lightning on the turn Fear, Surprise, Intimidation is played suffering 2 or 4 suppression? 

It may be assigned up to 4 suppression, assuming at least one hit or critical result was rolled by Count Dooku.

Hope this helps,

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