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The First One, Dazed characters

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8 minutes ago, taruan said:

Can Apocalypse play The First One and choose to KO an allied character who is dazed and thus not gain a stagger token?

No. Dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules. Team Tactic Cards are special rules. 

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In addition to this post, dumb question would be if Apocalypse is on his injured side and he uses the tactics card "The First One" I would assume since he's immune to all conditions, he would not gain the stagger if the player chooses to K.O. a injured character?


Thank you!

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9 hours ago, The-Calf said:


In addition to this post, would Apocalypse on his injured side and he uses the tactics card "The First One" I would assume since he's immune to all conditions, he would not gain the stagger if the player chooses to K.O. a injured character?

Thank you!

That is correct

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