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If I were to Divulge "I Make the Rules now" and placed Bane's 3 tokens as specified and issued an order to Cad Bane per the card.  What happens when his "Here I am" token is flipped? 

Per the Bane token rules, he gains an order after being deployed in this fashion.  Would this result in 2 face up order tokens on Bane?  Or would the second order be lost?

Furthermore, if Bane uses a Comm Relay upgrade to redirect the order from his command card to another unit, can he be issued the second order from the Bane Token rule?  My guess is no, but I wanted to confirm.


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Hi there,

14 minutes ago, Cruor Vault said:

Per the Bane token rules, he gains an order after being deployed in this fashion.  Would this result in 2 face up order tokens on Bane?  Or would the second order be lost?

As described in the Command Phase (under Other Ways to Issue Orders), "A unit cannot be issued more than one order each round." Cad Bane is no exception to this! He cannot be given a second order token when a Here I Am token is revealed, whether his first order token is faceup or facedown.

17 minutes ago, Cruor Vault said:

Furthermore, if Bane uses a Comm Relay upgrade to redirect the order from his command card to another unit, can he be issued the second order from the Bane Token rule?  My guess is no, but I wanted to confirm.

No. As described on the Comms Relay upgrade card, if a unit uses the Comms Relay upgrade card, it cannot be issued another order that round.

Hope this helps,

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