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X model is targeted, it gets sacrificed to another target. That new target is then life saved by ghost spider. 

Sacrifice says that the attack can still go through even if it is outside of LOS and range. 

life saver says that if it is out of range the attack ends and the action is refunded. 

which takes precedence? 

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20 hours ago, Shaky said:

X model is targeted, it gets sacrificed to another target. That new target is then life saved by ghost spider. 

Sacrifice says that the attack can still go through even if it is outside of LOS and range. 

life saver says that if it is out of range the attack ends and the action is refunded. 

which takes precedence? 

Neither takes precedence. Each is declared and resolves independently of the other. As these two rules share timing for their use and resolution, the player can choose the order. 

In this situation the attack will end as Life Saver specifies. Sacrifice’s text does not prevent another effect from ending the attack. 


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