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You Serve your master well states "If it is an enemy unit, it can attack and start a melee with other enemy units".

Does this mean with the new Charge/Relentless changes the unit would already have to be in base contact if it wanted to melee attack another unit?



On 11/6/2024 at 1:10 PM, Jeff_Vader said:

Does this mean with the new Charge/Relentless changes the unit would already have to be in base contact if it wanted to melee attack another unit?

Yes - a unit cannot use Charge or Relentless unless it is that unit's activation. They cannot be used during Luke Skywalker's activation.

If Luke Skywalker uses You Serve Your Master Well to have another unit perform a free move action, it may not use that move action to trigger Charge or Relentless, as it is not that unit's activation.

Hope this helps,

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