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With deal to the devil does it happen before the attack is resolved, after the attack is resolved? We are wondering if King Pins hail to the king stagger will affect Ghost Rider after deal to the devil

I believe he would gain the stagger here. Deal with the devil triggers as soon as his damage fills up, step 12 of the attack sequence. Kingpins Stagger doesn't trigger until after the attack is resolved, which is step 13.a 

Thank you

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When a character is KO'd all effects on it expire. This includes effects from attacks or other special rules. In this case, Ghost Rider would not be effected by any "after the attack is resolved" effects from attacks, however effects of that nature that do not effect Ghost Rider still resolve (Such as Elusive from Black Widow). 

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I'd like to be sure I understand the implications of this wording as I'm having trouble understanding how to apply the "all effects on it expires" in this situation.

I don't see how we can say the attack or the special rules on the attack expire because that would invalidate the second half of the provided example.

I don't see how we can say existing effects or special rules on the character expire because there are no existing effects on it at the timing window in question.

It sounds like the answer is more that when a model becomes KO'd, they becomes immune(or whatever appropriate wording should be used) to step 14 effects of an attack.

I'd just like to make sure i understand the distinction because depending on future rules interactions, there could be a difference between "existing effects expire" and "model is immune to future effects[for the duration of the attack]) and "both of those".

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  • 1 month later...

When a character is KO'd or dazed as part of the resolution of an attack or other effect, further effects that would normally resolve cannot resolve against it; if it was dazed, the dazed rules prevent it from being affected by special rules, and if it was KO'd, it would not be in play anymore so there is nothing for the pending effects to resolve on. 

Effects like Deal with the Devil and The Age of Ultron do not change this. They provide a way to nullify the KO as per their rules but do not reopen the window for any pending effect to be applied to the relevant character. This will be clarified in the future.

The information in the screenshot regarding Shuri's Sonic Crush is incorrect. This ruling applies to that as well.

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