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Great Responsibility while injured

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So under Mile's leadership allies can reroll skulls if they are holding or contesting an objective, granted they have a reroll of some kind. So in a scenario such as having an injured ally within 1 of an objective that a healthy enemy is also within 1 of, they aren't technically contesting the point right? So the injured ally (let's just say 4 cost Peter Parker) cannot use spider sense or the leadership to reroll skull results? Or even if you and your enemy contest the same point each with 1 healthy character, another injured ally within one could still not roll skulls, correct? 

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4 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:

So under Mile's leadership allies can reroll skulls if they are holding or contesting an objective, granted they have a reroll of some kind. So in a scenario such as having an injured ally within 1 of an objective that a healthy enemy is also within 1 of, they aren't technically contesting the point right? So the injured ally (let's just say 4 cost Peter Parker) cannot use spider sense or the leadership to reroll skull results? Or even if you and your enemy contest the same point each with 1 healthy character, another injured ally within one could still not roll skulls, correct? 

Characters contest objectives when they are within range 1 of the objective. It does not matter if they are Healthy or Injured. 

When determining which player is securing an objective, it does matter whether a character is Healthy or Injured, and some other special rules interact with that as well. 

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