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Thane Kyrell

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Thane Kyrell states:


While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 focus, hit, or crit result to look at the defender's facedown damage cards, choose 1, and expose it.

When using Thane Kyrell's ability, do only you get to look at the defender's facedown damage cards? 

For example, if the defending ship has three face down damage cards, and Thane Kyrell rolls a blank, blank, and eye result on his attack.  Thane can spend the eye result to look at the defender's three facedown damage cards, choose one, and expose it.  Is the Thane Kyrell player the only person who gets to see the three facedown damage cards or does the defending player also get to see those cards? 

In other words, is the act of looking at the defender's facedown damage cards information only privy to the Thane Kyrell player (as opposed to open information for both players)? 


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