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With the 'The Initiative' card revealed, does the card allow a squad of 2 SHIELD characters and 3 unaffiliated characters to form a legal SHIELD squad? At what point does the affiliation of the squad determined as it also affects tactic cards that can be brought. Thanks.

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Just want to confirm - is choosing team tactic cards considered part of the squad-building process, or is it done after? It makes a big difference as far as choosing affiliations go now that "The Initiative" is on it's way.

Can the card be used to clear the 50%+ threshold for affiliations, or does your "squad" need to be at 50%+ prior to choosing team tactic cards?

Page 13 of the rulebook seems pretty clear on the subject to me, but I have heard there was an additional ruling that takes precedent over this. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

The rules have squad building in the order of picking characters and then after that picking tactics cards.

Squad Affiliation is determined in between those two steps and non-affiliated cards cannot be picked in the second step.

So if I choose 2 SHIELD characters and 3 non-affiliated, the squad is determined to be not SHIELD.

If I pick The Initiative card, will this retrospectively make the squad SHIELD and then I can pick further SHIELD cards?

Does this mean that The Initiative is actually played during the squad building phase of the game before the characters and cards are revealed?

Is this also done secretly or do you have to declare it?

Edited by Regnix
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