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Target issue about dark lightning

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Hi, appreicate it if you could help me to clarify follow questions:

1. If Hood uses dark lightning to attack enemy character with 2 wild dice but only 1 enemy character (B) within 3 if the target original character, can Hood assigns one more Arc effect on enemy character B?

2. Re point 1,

If yes, can assigns 2 or above Arc on same character even more than 1 enemy character within the range? 



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18 hours ago, Ocean said:

1. If Hood uses dark lightning to attack enemy character with 2 wild dice but only 1 enemy character (B) within 3 if the target original character, can Hood assigns one more Arc effect on enemy character B?

You may not, no. You are choosing a number of characters and if you've already chosen a character, you can't choose them again during the same resolution of the Arc rule.

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