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Timing of actions and others

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It seems that since the rule book has been updated (31/03/2022) this particulary notification change a little bit the way to play.

It seems clear that when a caracter has finished all of his action(s) he can perform super powers (like throwing things) or interact with objectives. 

- If a character want's to perform a super power first does he loose his or all his actions ?

- If the super power is a charge (like For Asgard) does the second action is lost because this is a super power ?

Thanks a lot

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On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:

- If a character want's to perform a super power first does he loose his or all his actions ?

They do not

On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:

- If the super power is a charge (like For Asgard) does the second action is lost because this is a super power ?


On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:

It seems that since the rule book has been updated (31/03/2022) this particulary notification change a little bit the way to play

I believe you are most likely referencing this section from the Rulebook

"After a character has made all of its actions it may use any super powers, interact abilities or other special rules it wishes, then its activation ends. Place an Activated token on its stat card. A character with an Activated token on it can’t be chosen to activate again."

This is not telling you that these things can only occur after the characters actions, it is a reminder that you can still do these things after your actions and before your activation is over.

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