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Count Dooku (Crew) Modifying Defender's Dice at Range 0

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Count Dooku (crew) is on a ship.  That ship is at range zero of an enemy ship.  The ship that Count Dooku is on performs a range zero primary attack against the enemy ship.

Can the ship with Count Dooku use Count Dooku's ability and modify the defender's dice while performing a primary attack at range zero?

Count Dooku's ability is (errata version):


During an attack, before a ship at range 0-2 rolls attack or defense deice, if all your force are active, you may spend 1 force and name a result. If the roll does not contain the named result, the ship must change 1 die to that result.

The rules reference states (pg. 5 of Rules Reference, version 1.4.31):


While defending at range 0, enemy ships cannot reduce the number of defense dice you roll, cancel your results, or modify your results.

We also know that it is the player who rolled the dice who modifies the dice result (pg. 39 of Rules Reference, version 1.4.31):


Q: What happens when two players use Count Dooku (crew ) on the same dice roll?

A: The first player's Count Dooku takes effect: if the roll does not contain the result the first player named, the ship's controlling player must choose one result and change it to the named result.
Then the second player's Count Dooku takes effect: if the roll does not contain the result the second player named, the ship's controlling player must choose one result and change it to the named result.
This can potentially mean that the same die is modified twice this way.

Therefore, since it is the player who rolls the dice who does the actual modification, can Count Dooku modify a defender's dice during a range zero primary attack? 

Or, is Count Dooku still considered modifying the enemy ship's dice result even though it is the enemy player who is choosing and modifying the dice result?

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No, Count Dooku (crew) cannot be used during a primary attack at range zero because, while the defending player is selecting which specific die result to change, the modification is caused by the attacker modifying the defense dice.

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