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Mandatory place effects

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We can’t provide a generic answer for 100% of situations, as it may depend on the specific wording of the rules in question.

In general though, a mandatory place effect like, Ambush on Beast, if you know ahead of time you can’t fit, you just don’t perform that rule. The placement is lost.

If you go to move Beast and only then find out you can’t place him, you put him back where he was as best as possible, following the margin of error rules from the challenger document

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15 minutes ago, firbison said:


so to follow on that then, when a tactics card has a place effect like meet my executioner, hero's for hire or lethal protector and they cant place within 1 will the attack or effect still redirect the attack.


It’s going to depend on how each individual rule is worded 

The 3 you have listed, no.

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