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How would using a Field Commander effect the use of Mercenary Commanders in a normal faction list?

Would you be allowed to take a Field Commander and a single (or even two) Mercenary Commanders?

If you did would you get the courage bubble from the Field Commander?

And would the Field Commander unit use a commander order token?

Thanks for all your help and hard work!

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1 hour ago, thestripyjumper said:

Would you be allowed to take a Field Commander and a single (or even two) Mercenary Commanders?

Yes, as you have ignored the minimum commander requirement, and mercenaries do not count towards the minimum number of ranks to build an army. Note a second mercenary commander unit requires a copy of the Allies of Convenience keyword in most circumstances.

1 hour ago, thestripyjumper said:

If you did would you get the courage bubble from the Field Commander?

Field Commander units only provide a courage effect if they are marked with a commander token. And they are only marked as a commander token upon deployment if you have no Commander units in your army.

1 hour ago, thestripyjumper said:

And would the Field Commander unit use a commander order token?

No, because you do have Commander units in your army.

Hope this helps,

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