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Bases of Units Overlapping Mine Tokens, LOS

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Hello AMG Team,

In reference to this post-

With the condition "Minefield", can you please explain what happens when a T-47 Airspeeder's base overlaps a minefield condition token? 

Example scenario: T-47 Airspeeder base overlaps a minefield condition. A unit of rebel troopers moves within range 1 of, and what would have been LOS to the minefield condition token. Except now, the T-47 Airspeeder's base is covering said token. Does the token "see" through the airspeeder's base as if it is not there because the silhouette of the T-47 is a flying saucer? Or does the base of the T-47 block LOS for the token and the token cannot detonate in this circumstance? 

Thank you, 


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Repulsor vehicles do not block LOS, do not obscure miniatures, and do not provide cover. 

On 1/24/2023 at 7:49 AM, FTPRogue said:

Does the token "see" through the airspeeder's base as if it is not there

That is correct. The Token could detonate in your example.


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