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Martial Prowess and Anklebiter interaction

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If Honey Badger is within range 1 of an enemy character with Martial Prowess, would anklebiter also affect the martial Prowess super power as well. That's to say, if proxima midnight payed 2 power to use martial prowess, would she have to roll 1 fewer dice instead of the initial 5 dice because anklebiter is reducing defense dice by 1?

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1 hour ago, jffb213 said:

If Honey Badger is within range 1 of an enemy character with Martial Prowess, would anklebiter also affect the martial Prowess super power as well. That's to say, if proxima midnight payed 2 power to use martial prowess, would she have to roll 1 fewer dice instead of the initial 5 dice because anklebiter is reducing defense dice by 1?

Yes. Martial Prowess resolves its Defense dice portion during step 5a. Anklebiter comes in at step 5b. 

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