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Posts posted by Melbu

  1. When is something declared the target of a beam/area attack? Is it when you check to see what models are in range, or when you resolve each individual attack. Say my opponent is attacking 3 of my characters with a beam/area attack, and one of them is She-Hulk. If they are both within range 2 of She-Hulk do I need to declare if she is using legal defense for one, or both, of the other models right away? Or is it declared as my opponent goes through each individual attack?

  2. Is there a time after you resolve end of activation effects where you can play team tactics cards?

    Say you have a character that's taken 2 damage and has the bleed special condition. Is there a time after you take the third damage from bleed where you can medpack all 3 damage?

    Or if you have played all you've got on a character, can you have another character play field dressing on the first character after they get dazed from all you've got at the end of their activation? I assume this should have the same answer as the first situation, but I figured I'd check anyway. 

  3. I am pretty new to the game so I am not sure if this is obvious or not, but in the rules I see where it says that dazed characters can't be affected by special rules, but I am not sure what all "special rules" implies. For a specific example, if Doctor Strange uses Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and gets the Mystic Binding trigger, but also dazes the target, does the dazed model get the activation token? Or does the Mystic Binding trigger count as a special rule? I am mostly wondering because of Field Dressing.

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