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Posts posted by rumckle

  1. What counts as damage from an attack for Cyclops' X-Men Blue leadership? If an attack deals damage to other characters through triggers or throws, would that count as dealing damage? 


    Example 1. Domino uses her Grenade Bounce attack, and deals damage to the target enemy, she also gets her wild "explosive" trigger and deals damage to another enemy character. How's much energy does the leadership produce?


    Example 2. Domino uses her Automatic Pistols attack, deals damage, gets her Rapid fire trigger and then deals damage again. How much energy does the leadership produce? 


    Example 3. Jean Grey uses her Telekinetic Force attack and deals 0 damage, but the attack throws the character into another character, causing them both to take collision damage. How much energy does the leadership produce? 

  2. Under the momentum section, the rules state:

    "After a player moves the Struggle token at the end of their Turn, if the Struggle token remains on their opponent’s half of the Struggle Tracker, the active player gains a Momentum token." 


    If I am not controlling any objectives, and therefore move the Struggle token zero places, would I still get a Momentum token if the Struggle token is in my opponent's half of the tracker? 


    Similarly, would we both get a Momentum token if the Struggle token remains on zero? 

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