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Posts posted by Ravnak

  1. Ok, some quotes from the rules to set this one up:

    "Once a character has made all of its actions, place an activated token on its stat card" (page 14)

    "As soon as the previous player has declared their turn is over, the next player beings their turn" (page 14)

    First question: I can't find a rule saying I have to use my two actions before ending my turn. If I do so, does my character get given an activated token? (Clearly they should, but I cannot find the rule that says so. Hence this kind of dumb question, which honestly is more trying to set up the reasoning for my actual question).


    "If a character is Dazed during their activation, their activation immediately ends."

    So this is the real question. You don't get your activated token until you use up your actions. Your activation doesn't end when you gain the activated token. (confirmed elsewhere by you.) So since those aren't linked. If I activate, Do an action, and become dazed, my activation ends before I gain an activated token. Is this correct? Meaning I can then field dressing and activate that character a second time this turn?

  2. Assume I have three models in a perfect line, all base to base.

    I want to push or throw the middle one. This requires an exactly parallel push, or it will touch another model and immediately stop with 0 movement.

    There are infinite directions you can choose which will fail the push, and 1 direction that will succeed.

    If we're talking statistics, you will never be able to pick the 1/infinate direction. So its an impossible move. BUT, its a game. So is abstraction allowed? Can you declare that you're picking the one legal direction and just do it anyway?

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