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Posts posted by Mahoney

  1. Sorry Thoras, But I am in strong disagreement here.

    Based on the straight wording, 2VP for each amplifier, no matter how many characters there are. Multiple characters with shards will only result in additional damage being dealt.

    The key phrase I am relying on is 'an amplifier' which indicates that you may only score once per amplifier. So, if you have 2 of your characters with shards, then you need to get the other across the board in order to score the additional points.

    There is a valid interpretation for this crisis to be scored a 2VP per shard at the same amplifier, or 4VP, but I am of the opinion that this requires as much flexibility in interpretation as the other interpretation.

    Based on what I have seen on a game balance state, there is a desire to not have extremely easy and extremely rapid scoring in M:CP, and this is far too easy if you are allowed to score 4VP per amplifier.

    This crisis has already proven to be extremely poorly worded, given that the card does not actually describe a way to interact with the shard, and required the developers to intervene on the forum to provide clarification.

    I feel that clarification of VP scoring is also required.

  2. Hi,

    Malarus (FO) and Muse both have start of engagement abilities?

    The rules for engagement state that each ship engages in descending initiative order. 
    Does this timing apply here so that Malarus (FO) can spend a token and stress at I5, then Muse removes a stress token at a range of 0-1 at I2?

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