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Posts posted by szymciu

  1. If a unit is in melee with another, and has more minis than it is possible to place in base contact, after it receives wounds and some minis are removed, those minis that were not in base contact have to be placed in base contact, if possible. Correct?

    What if more units are in melee with eachother and one of them has lost minis, do players need to optimize placing minis to retain melee between units, if that is possible, or can a player place minis in a way that it is no longer possible to maintain melee?


    Vader and B1 units are in melee, B1 unit has more minis than possible to place around Vader. 2 dewbacks are touching one B1 put in cohesion but not in base contact with Vader. Vader kills a bunch of B1s and Dewback need to be placed in base contact with remaining B1 minis. Does it need to happen even if dewback would have to be moved significantly? Do they have to be placed or can Imperial player place one Dewback in a way second one no longer has the possibility to join base contact? Or would any remaining B1 minis be placed in base contact with Dewbacks, if there were any? Core book lacks comprehensive guide on retaining melee between multiple units.

  2. Can I move my Creature Trooper:

    • Displacing enemy unit minis, but NOT the leader:
      • Will I be in melee with the unit? - I assume not necessarily because my oponent will decide cohesion.
      • If I finish a movement touching the unit leader, will I be engaged? Or will the leader be displaced?
    • Displacing the enemy unit, including the leader:
      • Will I be in melee with the unit? - I assume not necessarily because my oponent will decide both displacement induced move and cohesion.

    Can I withdraw my Creature Trooper:

    • Displacing the unit im in melee with?
    • Displacing other units that are not engaged?
  3. From Core book.



    Creature troopers may perform free actions from the Relentless or Reposition keywords before or after a withdraw move.

    Emplacement troopers may perform free pivot actions from the Reposition keyword before or after a withdraw move.


    Does it mean that Dewbacks can resolve relentless after withdraw, and perform a ranged attack, if able?

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