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CWO Franz

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Posts posted by CWO Franz

  1. If a player places a grav shift reroute token on a obstacle then moves the obstacle in such a way that the token is now in range of a new unmoved obstacle.  does the grave shift reroute effect the new obstacle?

    For clarification a example.  player one places a grave shift reroute token on a asteroid, and the token is only in range of the asteroid it is on.  if the player moves the obstacle in a way that the token is now in range of a debris field, may that player move the debris field?

  2. Solar corona states "While a ship is attacking before resolving any attack effects....the attacker must discard one die with a targeting icon if able.

    In the rules reference under the attack step, the timing to cancel an attack due to not having any dice is when you are gathering the attack pool.

    Linked turbo laser towers state "while attacking the first squadron during your activation you may add 2 dice of any color to your attack pool"


    If I have a single die attack against a squadron, and I roll a targeting and must discard due to the objective resulting in a no dice attack pool, may I resolve Linked Turbo laser towers to add 2 dice of my choice to the attack pool?


  3. Opening Salvo States "The first time a ship performs an a attack against another ship, discard the attackers's objective token.  it goes on to state which types of dice to add to the attack.

    If a ship attacks  another ship, and the defender has a objective token and resolves a salvo attack, does the defender have to resolve the objectives effects and discard the objective token and not add any dice to the attack pool?  Salvo attacks cannot add dice to their attack, as such does this rule instead prevent the objective from resolving and the original defender keeping the objective token?

    In my opinion the token would still be discarded and no dice would be added.

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