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Posts posted by Nexmonastica

  1. My apologies if the answer seems obvious, but there was a disagreement that arrived in regard to the effects of Sonic Rifle while playing Separation Anxiety and I would like to use the reply to this post as a reference to resolve the debate.

    1. When using Sonic Rifle, does the attack place the symbiote tokens that was dropped as a result of Forced Separation being triggered? For example the symbiote token drops within range 2 of the target holding it as a result of Forced Separation, and then when all attacks have been resolved, if the symbiote token happens to be under where the range 5 template was initially placed, it may be placed within 2 range of the location where it was dropped. Is this correct?
    2. If part 1 is correct then does the attacking character resolve all symbiote token placement, or is the movement done based on priority as stated under the Creepy Crawly Goo rule?
    3. Can the symbiote attach to a character after it is placed by the Sonic Rifle if it ends within range 1 of a character as per the Creepy Crawly Goo rule, or does it need to be the Cleanup Phase specifically for this part of the rule to take effect?


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