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Posts posted by Deflare

  1. There are seven steps to the Cleanup Phase: Scoring VPs, player effects, non-player effects, resolving Dazed, passing Priority, removing Activated tokens, then moving the Round token.

    Under "Effects", the list includes "superpowers, attacks, special rules, team tactics, or Crisis cards" (emphasis mine).

    If a Team Tactics card can only be played during the Cleanup Phase, does it have to be played during step 2 (player effects)? Or can it be played at any step?

    For a more specific scenario: If Dormammu is dazed, after he becomes undazed in Step 4, would he be able to play Dark Restoration to return a character to the game?

  2. My friend and I found ourselves in an odd situation. Kingpin is standing between Hawkeye and Wasp; Hawkeye is Dazed. Kingpin, as part of Hail to the King, throws Wasp at Hawkeye (as that's the only way to damage her with the throw within range).

    Two minor questions I think I know the answer to, plus one 'main' question.

    Minor 1) Throwing a character at a dazed character. My read is that nothing happens to the Dazed character (they're as beat up as they can be), but the thrown character still suffers from the collision. Is that correct?

    Minor 2) Kingpin is in the way, but as per Page 17 of the rulebook: "Ignore the character performing the throw and any terrain features the thrown character started overlapping when determining a thrown character’s collisions." So I assume Kinpin can throw Wasp through himself, no problem.

    The Big Question: Wasp is well within range to collide with Hawkeye per the movement tool, but she can't land next to him because Kingpin is in the way. So as per Overlapping on Page 15, "If a character is thrown or pushed and would end that movement overlapping another character’s base or a terrain feature, it stops along the movement tool at the last position that was not overlapping a character’s base or a terrain feature." The question, then: Does she still suffer a collision with Hawkeye, even though she has now "bounced" back to the opposite side of Kingpin?

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