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Posts posted by Jonah

  1. The rules for Momentum Tokens state that they must be added to the 'next open space' (page 20) but the snips callout on the same page states that 'a player wins the Struggle if the Struggle token would be placed in a space that is occupied by one of their Momentum tokens, or if that player would place a Momentum token in the same space as the Struggle token'.  Which is correct please?  Does this mean that you could win the Struggle in your opponents turn (e.g. if a Reactive ability Wounded one of their Units)?

  2. Please could you clarify if this interaction is possible:

    • B1s are flipped and the player chooses to put them into reserve so they go to the bottom of the deck as per 'Well, I guess I'm in Charge Now'.
    • Kalani is flipped next and the player chooses to put him into reserve without paying the force cost (assume not Injured) as per 'Compete Analysis'.
    • Player flips next order card.

    I believe that the B1s being chosen to be put into reserve triggers the once per turn option on this rule, even though they go to the bottom of the deck so that the next card from the order deck would have to be chosen to activate.  So in this instance, Kalani would have to activate and couldn't be chosen to be put in reserve.


  3. Sam Wilson's Ld states 'when this character or an allied character is Dazed or KO'd, choose another non-Dazed allied character.  The chosen character removes 1 wound, removes one special condition, and may advance S.  A character can be affected by this leadership only once per round'.  In the following scenario what happens:

    There are 3 characters.  Character 1 has already been affected by the Ld when character 2 is Dazed - do you have to choose character 3 to be the recipient of the Ld?  Or if you don't move/heal etc. do you count as not being affected?  

    This matters because in the case of Field Dressing, character 3 may get another opportunity to use the Ld which they would be ineligible for if they had already been chosen because it is a must.

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