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Posts posted by Sam117

  1. Just wondered about the timing and effect of Dormammu's leadership.


    Lets say I'm playing dark dimension, and my Beta Ray Bill is contesting an infinity formula objective with 2 power at the start of the round

    With the timing in the power phase:

    - He gains 2 power due to the power phase (And his blessed by the all-father rule), so goes up to 4 total.

    - Then player effects happen, so he gains one power up to 5 from the leadership ability.

    - Then the crisis effects happen, so he gains 1 power up to 6 due to the infinity formula.


    Does the leadership ability 'Flames of the faltine'  check if he has 6 power (to do the damage and give a power to Dormammu) in the player effects step? Or does it check for the 6 power, and do damage, at ANY POINT in the power phase?


    So in this example, does Bill take a damage? He only had 5 power at the player effects step, so we played that the leadership didn't kick in.



  2. This is referring to some interactions of 'eye in the sky', but all abilities that move the target of an attack when they are targeted, but then refund an action if they move out of range. 

    1) If for his first action Sam Wilson (SW) pays to charge, makes the move then declares the attack on Hulkbuster (HB), but then Nick Fury (NF) uses eye in the sky to move HB out of range, does SW get an action back? Which means he gets the first move action, then now 2 actions leftover? 

    2) If HB uses hit and run, then targets SW. NF uses eye in the sky to move SW out of range of HB, in doing so, refunds HB the action back. Does HB still get his 'hit and run' advance still? Then have his 2 actions leftover as one was refunded? Or, does HB lose his hit and run advance as he couldn't make the attack action (and would he get refunded for the power of hit and run)?

    3) If Iron Man (I'm), uses Friday ai, and targets SW, but NF uses eye in the sky to move SW out of range. Does Friday Ai get wasted? Or does it still apply to the next attack action I'm does? 

    4) Similarly with if Loki pays for 'I am a god', but his target gets eyes in the sky out of range, will his power get refunded? 

  3. If a target of an attack moves out of range after being target, but before damage is dealt, do they still take the damage of the attack they were initially in range of?


    For example. Iron man is targetted by an attack, and the dice are rolled, which results in 2 damage. Iron man then plays 'Fall back' which says he can advance s before damage is dealt. This short advance takes him out of range of the attack. Does Iron man still take the 2 damage?

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