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Le Pogo de lAmour

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Posts posted by Le Pogo de lAmour

  1. "If its Rhino's Activation, he may spend 2 power to play this card[...] Rhino then Throws the chosen Character M."

    I've seen the previous ruling on Martial Prowess(MP) and Red Fury(RF). In both case (RF and MP), the ruling was "No. When a rule lists multiple things that occur during its resolution, if one thing cannot happen, the subsequent effects will not happen. The FAQ (found here) describes this using Martial Prowess as the example."

    The difference with This is a robbery and the previous one is the placement of the "then". For MP and RF, the then was at the beginning of the sentences. To be identical to MP and RF, the wording could have been " Then Rhinos throws the chosen character M."

    Just wondering if the intention is to have a different interpretation of the "then" (one could argue its an addition and not a requirement).

    So If you plan Mission Objective during This is a robbery, will the throw happens?


  2. If, during the power phase, Vision chose Enhanced Density, is within 1 of a Vault and roll a wild/crit.

    Will he still get the 2 powers even if doesn't get push?

    Rule book reference for the timing between enhanced density and the Vault roll : "The Power Phase happens at the start of a round. At the beginning of the Power Phase, all characters gain 1 Power (g). Then players resolve any player effects that occur during the Power Phase, then resolve all non-player effects that occur during the Power Phase"

    Thank you


  3. Context:

    - A character declare an attack on another character.

    - Enchantress, within 2 of the targeted character pay for the sacrifice card.


    -On sacrifice does enchanting works, since it doesn't adding dice but switch defense?

    -Can he pay the to avoid enchanting?

    -- Does he have to pay before the player declare using sacrifice (like body guard :link to this ruling at the end of the post)?

    -- Can he pay after sacrifice?

    My feeling is he need to declare it when he target the first character, but I wanna make sure!

    Link for bodyguard

    Thanks and have a great day 🙂

    Le pogo

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