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Inside the DANGER room

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Posts posted by Inside the DANGER room

  1. This ruling specifics that Clone Trooper does not count as Clone and Trooper.

    CC-2224 Clone Commander Cody has [Bring it down!] an ability that checks for Clone Trooper Supporting units, not supporting units that have Clone and Trooper tags.

    Ewok Hunters have Ewok, Warrior.

    Ewok Trappers have Ewok, Scout.

    Logray has an ability [Inspiring Presence] which checks for Ewok Warrior and Ewok Scout.

    It doesn't check for Ewok, Scout or Ewok, Warrior.

    By this logic there's no units that qualify for Logray's ability.

    Why does Logray's [Inspiring Presence] work for Ewok, Scout or Ewok, Warrior, but Plo Koon's [We Can Do This The Simple Way or The Difficult Way.] not work for Clone Trooper?

  2. If a character with the Pinned Condition and the Strained Condition were to use a reactive ability that allows them to dash, they would both remove pinned and not dash, and take 3 damage for using a reactive ability. Correct?


    Now, if a character has the Pinned Condition and Strained Condition and gains a Jump from a defensive expertise and tries to jump they cannot jump due to pinned and lose the Pinned Condition, does the Strained Condition also trigger and deal them 3 damage and remove the condition?

  3. Hello,

    If both me and my opponent have magneto on the table how does master of magnetism work?

    Do Magnetos track their own constructs, or all constructs on the table?

    Would it be (Priority player is A, non-priorityis B)

    Turn 1

    A) Place construct, gain 1 additional power.

    B) Place construct gain 2 additional power.

    Turn 2 (assuming both construct stay in play.)

    A) Place no construct, gain 2 additional power.

    B) Place no construct, gain 2 additional power.

    Having 2 constructs on the table?


    Turn 1

    A) Place construct, gain 1 additional power.

    B) Place construct gain 1 additional power.

    Turn 2 (assuming both construct stay in play.)

    A) Place construct, gain 2 additional power.

    B) Place construct, gain 2 additional power.

    Thus having 4 total constructs on the table?

  4. Honey Badger has an innate superpower [Anklebitter] which says she cannot contest, interact with, or hold objective tokens.

    The 20 point secure crisis Super-Powered Scoundrels form Sinister Syndicate places 5 Ambush objective tokens, and says "Characters contesting an Ambush token have cover from attacks made by characters not contesting the same Ambush token."

    If Back Cat is being attacked by Honey Badger and both characters are within range 1 of the same Ambush token, would Black Cat get cover because Honey Badger cannot contest the Ambush token, and can Honey Badger gain cover from the Ambush tokens?


    Image example below.


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