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Posts posted by Korvan30

  1. I am doing a web warriors list Can I or can I not have Spider man (Peter Parker)and Spider Man (Miles Morales). The rule book reads as if I can but I am being told I cannot by other players. The Rule book says "Building a Squad After the mission has been formed, players build their squads. To build a squad, players select characters from their roster that have a combined Threat Value equal to or lower than the Maximum Threat Value selected by the player without priority during mission setup. The chosen characters may not share the same Alter Ego. Players should not reveal the contents of their squads until it’s time to deploy their characters." So an Official ruling of Yes I can use Peter and Miles or No I can't and why would be useful right about now. Cause I really need to know before I go making my Avengers list next and spend the cash on amazing spiderman.

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