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Task Master Wei

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Posts posted by Task Master Wei

  1. Under the entry of the [Versatile] keyword, it says "Some ranged weapons have the Versatile keyword. Units can perform ranged attacks using a weapon with the Versatile keyword even while engaged. A weapon with the Versatile keyword that is both a ranged weapon and a melee weapon can be used to perform either a ranged attack or a melee attack."

    The question is, does the second sentence mean that [Versatile] treats a ranged weapon (without a melee range) as both melees and ranged weapon, allowing it to add its dice into melee attacks?

    More specifically, does Count Dooku's one-point card "Fear, Surprise, Intimidation" give Dooku the ability to use both his lightsaber and lightning against the same target he is in melee with?

  2. Just need some clarification since I cannot fix a conclusion based on the rulebook.


    When a small base trooper unit has an actual speed of “0” due to having immobilize token(s)

    1.     could the unit be displaced?

    2.    Could it be forced to redo its cohesion due to being displaced or hit by a weapon with the [scatter] keyword?

    3.    If a vehicle ran into said unit’s unit leader and stopped short since the unit cannot perform any kind of move, however, displaced one or more models in the unit, does the unit gain a suppression token?

  3. Say I have a speeder bike (with speeder 1) stuck at the corner of a building of height 1. For its compulsory move, do I have to use the Speeder 1 keyword to ignore the building and make the full move, or can I declare not to ignore the height of the building, forcing the bike to stop and only do a partial move?

    The question arose since the Speeder X and Hover: Air X keyword does not force you to ignore terrain of height X, as it states that you "can move over or end its movement on terrain equal to or less than height X", while in my understanding, "can" is optional.

    Furthermore, if the terrain is infinite height, or just taller than the "X" of the keyword, does it mean that the speeder bike will be stuck forever if I choose not to spend an action and make a turn during its activation?


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