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Posts posted by CODADsunshine

  1. Hello,

    When does a unit with Agile/ Tactical gain its tokens? And can an enemy standby token be spend before the unit receives its tokens?

    For example, a unit of Tauntauns Riders makes a move action. It finishes its move within range 2 and and in line of sight of a Stormtrooper unit with a standby token. If the storm trooper unit decides to spend the standby token will the unit of Taun Tauns gain their dodge token before or after resolving the standby?


    Thank you for your hard work!

  2. Hello,

    I have some questions about the silhouettes of ground vehicles and vehicles treated as ground vehicles, such as vehicles with the keyword Hover Ground. When reading the questions below please assume I’ve used the term ground vehicle to apply to any vehicle that is or is being treated as a ground vehicle.

    Per the CRB, the silhouettes of ground vehicles block line of sight. The silhouette of ground vehicles is determined by creating a cylinder from the miniature’s base to the top of the vehicle’s hull, excluding weapons, antennas, crew, etc.


    Are players permitted to apply hobby basing material including but not limited to, basing paste, sand, epoxy putty, cork, conversion components, etc. between a vehicle mini and its base? Whether intentional or unintentional, this will increase the height of the vehicle’s silhouette which will have impacts.


    If players are allowed to apply hobby material between the mini and the base, is there a maximum height for each vehicle?


    Below is an example of the current situation.
    The silhouette of a Droideka mini (not in wheel mode) is very close to the height of the small base trooper silhouette. If one player has taller Droideka minis, that player can hide small base troopers minis behind their Droideka completely out of line of sight, while being attacked by troopers on the same elevation. Another player, who has shorter Droidekas, only receives heavy cover for their troopers behind their Droidekas.


    Thanks for all the hard work.

  3. Hello,

    On pages 37 and 38 of the CRB, ground vehicles and repulsor vehicles “miniature’s silhouette must be at least 50% obscured from any point of the attacker’s silhouette to count as obscured.” Can multiple pieces of terrain be used to obscure 50% of the vehicle’s silhouette or does a single piece of terrain need to obscure 50% of the vehicle’s silhouette?

    Please consider the following example:
    A unit is attacking a vehicle. The vehicle is obscured by two, or more, pieces of terrain. All these terrain pieces have been determined to provide cover to the defending vehicle during the pregame discussion.
    From one point on the attacker silhouette, each individual piece of terrain obscures less than 50% of the defending vehicle silhouette. But from that one point the total of the vehicle’s silhouette is more than 50% obscured by all of the terrain. Would the vehicle be counted as obscured?

    Below is a diagram of one possible situation:
    (Note: Neither piece of cover blocks more than 50% of the defending vehicle independently. However, more than 50% of the defending vehicle’s silhouette when assessed together)



    Thank you all very much for your hard work.


  4. Question:

    1. While playing the "Bombing Run" objective card, after the Deploy Units Step, are Vehicles eligible to receive an objective token? 

    2. Can units control more than one objective token at a time?

    3. What happens to an objective token when it is is detonated?

    4. Can units with the incognito keyword be assigned an objective token?

    5. What happens when a unit uses the drop action, but an enemy claims that objective token, and then that enemy is defeated without ever using the drop action itself. Does the original unit get to detonate that objective token?

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