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Posts posted by ROMER1975

  1. Hi

    QQ on Bishops Mutant Energy Absorption Ability. My understanding with the attack step is that the attacking player rolls their initial dice & then the defender rolls their initial defense dice, so if the defender rolls wilds in their initial defense dice they can change one of the attackers critical dice rolls to a blank before they roll extra dice for the critical dice rolled initially because the step where the additional dice are rolled off critical rolls happens after the initial attack & defense dice are rolled. Is this correct?

  2. Hi

    When an attack is declared that costs power on a target & the Escort To Safety Tactics Card is used on the target character of the attack, the power for the attack doesn't need to spent or is lost is it because the target is declared before power is paid for the attack in the attack sequence & the tactic card states you play it when the target is declared. 


    Is this correct?




  3.  Hello, 


    I have a question about the team tactical cards "Online and operational".

    If a Sentinel is KOd in a round & the sentinel prime activates on the players net activation in the same turn can they use this on that KOd sentinel? I thought technically the model stays there till the end of the round after all activation's have been completed so the sentinel is still on the board, however the tactics card doesn't say it cant be used on a KOd sentinel as it is on its injured side.



    Matt Price

  4. Hi

    Question on the Crisis Card Workings called Portals Overrun City With Spider-People.

    If a healthy character takes control of a portal & is contesting it while they control it. Can an injured enemy character attempt to interact with it by paying the one power & rolling against the amount of healthy enemy characters contesting the portal for control? My thoughts on this is that this is a scenario where the injured character has to roll against contesting healthy characters so the base rule is a injured character cannot contest against the healthy character as the rules always start with when contesting, is there any healthy characters, if yes injured characters are ignored.

    If the injured character can do this & takes control, does the healthy character just get to pay a power & take back control without rolling dice as the card reads to roll dice & compare the result against the amount of healthy enemy characters contesting the point, which in this case there is none.



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