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Posts posted by MHollingsworth

  1. Given:

    1. A unit of Troopers is on a piece of terrain that has a height requiring a Climb from the terrain to the table.

    2. Those Troopers are Displaced.

    3. The only legal placement, after Displacement, is on the table.


    I assume that the Speed-1 movement tool is used as a measurement tool as opposed to a movement tool. The Trooper Leader is not making a Speed-1 Move (which a Climb would be illegal), it is being placed at Speed-1 from its current location. If true, the measurement will be in 2D as opposed to 3D and it would be legal to place the Troopers on the table.


    1. Is the above statement correct?

    2. Would this also hold true if the Troopers were on a Height 3 piece of terrain and the only legal placement was on the table (meaning, the distance is more than a Climb)?

    3. Since we are using the movement tool as a range measuring tool, could it be placed over Impassible terrain (which is normally illegal to Move through)?

    4. Since we are using the movement tool as a range measuring tool, do we need to follow the rules when using the tool, specially do you have to place the tool, " so that one end wholly touches the base of the unit’s unit leader" or can you have the base of the unit leader touch one "point" at the end of the movement tool?


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