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Posts posted by Bfettboba

  1. Hi

    Sorry can't find anything in the rules but how does terrain traversal work?

    If a character is size 3 for example and terrain is size 2 can they just do a full movement over and through the terrain?

    So wall crawlers and flyers just go straight over and also someone like juggernaut (size 4) would go straight over a car (size 2) for example?

    Or does the character need to have a special condition such as Wall crawler to go over terrain unhindered?

    And also if the terrain is size 2 and the character is size 2 does the character then need to do a S movement to climb onto the terrain before continuing?


    Thanks in advance

  2. Quick question regarding the various attacks and powers that state "Before damage is dealt".....

    Does the attack have to cause damage for the effect to kick in or does the effect take place even of all attacks were blocked?

    An example would he Ghost Spider, her impact webbing attack states Before damage is dealt this character may push.

    Now if I am right this would happen at step 12 of the timing steps so Before damage tokens are applied.

    What if the defender cancelled/blocked all attack dice - would they still be pushed away but suffer no damage or would they ignore the push as there is no damage to be applied?

  3. Sorry for the Noob question but to clarify with MCP is it similar to Legion where you can only perform 1 attack action per activation?

    I understand that super powers that attack can be used but could I for example use 2 standard attack actions in 1 activation instead of moving or is it limited to 1 attack action?

    Again sorry for the Noob question but trying to get into MCP to play as well as Legion and want to ensure I am playing correctly

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