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Posts posted by TentacleV

  1. Let’s say a Mark 4 Sentinel uses plasma leak and kills themself.  Lockjaw is within 3 (but outside of 2) of the Mark 4, and has 3 power.  Sentinel Prime is slightly further than 3 of Lockjaw and has 8 power.  Is there any reason that the following combo is not possible:

    1. Mark 4 plays Scrap metal, and does everything on that card.

    2. Lockjaw plays last minute save, preventing the Sentinel from being KOed and placing it within 1 of Lockjaw (it is now within 3 of Sentinel Prime).

    3. Sentinel Prime plays Online and Operational, returning the Mark 4 to full heath.

  2. To clarify the above question: When Ronan is dazed or KOed, a separate thread in these forums clarified that he can interrupt “the Accuser” ability to use the “Judgement” ability.

    If that’s the case, under Strucker’s leadership, if Ronan is about to be Dazed or KOed, when he uses “Judgement” ability, would he:

    1.  Remove one damage, remain alive, and therefore “The Accuser” does not occur.

    2. Remove one damage, but then “The Accuser’ happens, causing him to be KOed anyway.

    3. Not remove one damage because that trigger wouldn’t happen until after “the Accuser” goes off.


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