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Mote Of Matthew

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Posts posted by Mote Of Matthew

  1. Could we have a clarification of the Premier rules? Specifically the quoted section below from page 3. of that document

    > Additionally, no player may include duplicate copies of Units that have the same Unique Name or Unit Name across any of their four squads.

    1. Does this rule prohibit Padawan Ahsoka (Secondary) and Ahsoka, Jedi No More (Primary) from being included in the list of four Squads?
    2. Similarly, this rule does not seem to cover the odd edge case Vader has made. Can Vader, Jedi Hunter (Primary) be included in the same Premier list as General Anakin Skywalker (Primary).


  2. Using Yoda's command card [There is no Try], Yoda can give the Relentless keyword to another unit.

    For this example, lets assume the second unit is a unit of Phase II Clones with a Mortar, with the Cumbersome weapon keyword


    During Yoda's activation, he uses the Guidance action to move the Phase II Clones, causing them to move. A move will trigger Relentless. Can the Phase II Clones attack with their Cumbersome heavy weapon? Both the movement and attack would happen during the same activation, Yoda's.

    Current Cumbersome rules (Emphasis mine)
    > A unit that has a weapon with the Cumbersome keyword cannot perform a move prior to performing an attack using that weapon during the same activation unless the move is a pivot.

    In older rules, Cumbersome was limited to during the activation of the unit with the Cumbersome weapon. This allowed this interaction to function

    Old Cumbersome (Emphasis mine)
    > If a unit performs an attack with a weapon that has the cumbersome keyword during its activation, it cannot perform any moves during that activation, except for pivots.

    This question boils down to "Does Cumbersome care about who's activation it is, or just that both the move and attack happen during the same activation at all?"


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