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Posts posted by Zefirin

  1. If I got this right, when a character is wounded, the only impacts are :
    -Opposing player adds 1 momentum to the struggle on their side when the "wounding" happen
    -They do not contest objectives
    -They can't suffer damage
    -They can't have damage removed from them
    -Ending their turn if they were playing
    -They don't create "engaged" state with opposing models
    (Some specific character abilities don't work on wounded character but they are explicitly stated on their card, so it's clear)

    Does that means that a wounded character can still do these ?:
    1- Be attacked
    2- Receive conditions
    3- Be moved around (pushed, shoved, ...)
    4- Use reactive, innate or identity ability (outside of his turn, when applicable depending on the ability)
    5- Be chosen to activate by a Shatterpoint Card

    I felt this was only one question. Please inform me if I should ask 5 different questions instead.


  2. Similar question to this one

    If an ennemy effect KO Ronan, can he fully resolve The Accuser reactive ability then Lockjaw plays Last-Minute Save to save him a 1 health?

    Follow-up question. If the previous scenario is true and during the same turn the opponent damages again Ronan, KO-ing him, he could trigger a second time the Accuser before being KO for real this time?




  3. I would like to follow-up this answer 

    I'm seeing a lot of noise online about whether or not you can remove the wing from Malekith and still play it in a competitive event. Someone in a competitive mindset could want to prevent problematic scenario like in the answer I linked despite the model looking awesome with his wings.
    I have read both official tournament document along with the model modification guidelines and it's still fuzy to me. We can't modify a model in a way that it affect gameplay. Is it the case here ? Is the intended gameplay for Malekith to not fit in a crowd of models or terrain ?
    If the answer is yes, it brings up many weird edgecase scenarios like:
    -What happens when he is back to a big terrain in such a way he can't be rotated and another character is thrown at him and would hit the wings before the base, does that count as a collision?



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