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Posts posted by Shepard

  1. As I understand it, if a character with the aggressive innate superpower is damaged by an attack with the rapid fire trigger (or any trigger that generates an additional attack after the attack is resolved), the second attack from rapid fire would be resolved before the short move from aggressive.

    Does this mean that the character with the aggressive superpower has "lost" his/her ability to make the advance?

    Can a character with aggressive advance twice in a row if he/she was damaged by both the first and second attacks of a rapid fire attack?

    Thank you.

  2. I have a few questions regarding the Professionals Team Tactics Card.

    Does the card need to be played before Hawkeye does the damage required to trigger the effect?

    Example: During an allied Captain America's activation, Hawkeye and Black Widow each pay 2 power to play Professionals. On my next turn, I activate Hawkeye, attack and deal damage to an enemy character holding an objective token that is within range 2 of Black Widow. Do I move the objective token?

    Can the card be played after the required trigger and positioning is met?

    Example: During my opponent's turn, one of his characters that is holding an objective token and is within range 2 of black widow attacks Hawkeye, triggering fast draw, which causes damage. Then, during my next turn, Hawkeye and Black Widow pay two power to play Professionals. Do I move the objective?


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