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Posts posted by FatalSwordsmen

  1. Question is, say the force user is in base to base with a vehicle, and has saber throw. 3p0 has used Distract. which applies the effect " Until the end of the round, when the chosen enemy unit performs an attack, it must attack the unit that used the Distract action, if able." 

    So the question is can the force user take a normal attack action to attack the vehicle, or does distract force it to use the card action attack action and saber throw at r2. 


    in essence, is the saber throw an alternate version of an attack action the user can choose, Or is it modifying the normal attack action that the unit can take. 

  2. I'm just looking for some Clarification on how overlapping is defined. 

    So we know Miniatures can't end overlapping, but how does elevation get involved. ie, can miniatures be within the same vertical space, if on separate elevations where their silhouette's wouldn't contact. think both in the middle of the room, with one on the first story and the other on the second story.

    But, does that mean the definition for what you can overrun is dependent on that silhouette check? because that wouldn't make sense for a flutter whose silhouette is higher then small base mini's silhouettes. so taking that further, if there were a trench style terrain piece, where small bases could fit their entire silhouette in the trench, but a flutter base for example, couldn't fit in, would those mini's in the trench be immune to overrun, as even the moving base of the flutter could not intrude on silhouette's of the trooper in the trench, let alone the flutters silhouette

    question that brought up the idea, was can a small based model, say a storm trooper, go under the base of a vehicle, that is overhanging from an elevated position, if both the mini, and silhouette fit without contacting the vehicles silhouette. But i couldn't come up with a solid definition for overlapping that also allowed overrun, which requires you to overlap at some point, to work, without preventing models at different elevations from having to worry about each other. 

  3. We have a ruling that Immobilize tokens can reduce a hostage carrier to speed 0.


    can other speed reducing effects lower the hostage to 0?

    For example, A unit of wookies with a battleshield in armor mode pick up a hostage. Are they speed 0

    A unit of imperial Special forces, during Iden's tactical strike turn, opt to lower their speed while holding a hostage. Are they speed 0 


  4. Promote rules state that "If a player has no trooper units with a unit leader to promote and does not control a unit with the Field Commander keyword with a commander token, then they no longer have a (commander icon) unit and cannot play Command Cards."

    so, the question is in a situation where a field commander without a commander token is still alive, and there are no troopers on the field to promote (so you started with a commander and they and all other troopers were defeated). Can generic command cards be played. 

    the field commander could be nominated if a card can be played, but the last part of this seems to indicate that you couldn't even play any command card. 

  5. Its a very unlikely situation, but can a unit firesupport during it's own activation?


    so scenario is Unit A gets a face up order token but doesn't activate immediatly. Unit B has a standby from it's prior activation. Unit A activates and performs an aim action, triggering an enemy unit's stanby. The enemy unit performs a move, triggering unit B's standby and it elects to shoot at something.


    At this point unit A still has a face up order because it's not flipped to facedown till after it's activation is over. so can unit A firesupport unit B, and if so does that immediately end unit A's activation, or does it get it's second action. 

  6. Each faction has 3 command cards that list "x faction only" 


    Can these cards interact with mercenary models in a list made using that faction. 


    For example, covering fire, the rebel 3 pip says rebel only. If I have a rebel list with a pyke capo and pyke foot soldiers included, and I play covering fire. Can I nominate the capo as commander, issue orders to the pykes, and when the pykes perform a ranged attack do they give a dodge token to a nearby unit as normal with the command card. 


    Or does the fact it states rebel only mean you have to issue orders to rebel, nominate a rebel and or the effect only applies to rebel corps units 

  7. I'm just wondering how the discard effect is resolved if the order either can't be issued or is moved after ace up his sleeve issues it.


    Case 1 is the unit you want to use is near an enemy with a comms jammer. so the order cannot be issued

    Case 2, when you issue the order to a unit you opt to comms relay the order to something further away.


    for case 1 im assuming you just can't do that, so would have to choose a different unit. but if there are no legal options, would you still have to discard the card and get no effect?

    for case 2, im curious how you proceed. do you go back to the choice of activating a unit with a faceup/pulling an order, or do you have to pull an order?

  8. For Bossk's 2 pip Reptilian rampage, the card says "During Bossk's activation, he can perform up to 2 attack actions and he may suffer 1 wound to perform a free move action"


    I'm wondering about the specific timing of when he may suffer 1 wound to perform a free move action. Is it limited purely to step 3 of activating a unit " 3. perform actions" or can he do it at any time during his activation.


    for a specific example, can he suffer the wound and perform the move before his rally step? either enraging him to avoid suppression/panic or to allow him to move into a commanders command range and allow him to use the commanders courage either before, or after the rally step but before the perform actions step. 


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