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Posts posted by Dax

  1. Under Suppression: When a unit has a number of suppression tokens equal to or greater than its courage value, it is suppressed. <...> A suppressed unit performs one less action each activation, while a panicked unit cannot perform actions, including free actions. For more information on the effects of suppression, see pg. 22.

    pg. 22 Rally Step: After rallying, if a unit begins its Perform Actions step while suppressed, it performs one fewer action during its Perform Actions step.

    under suppression it says what happens, then references page 22 for the rally step for more information where it defines when it happens.

    1) Does the explanation of Suppression on page 14 simply define the general effects of suppression and panic?
    2) Does page 22 on the rally step (referenced from suppression) determine when a unit checks to lose actions from suppression effects?
    2.a) If a unit can lose one of their actions from becoming suppressed during the perform actions step, why do the rules even bother with saying what happens after the rally step if there is a general static effect for no matter when you get the effects of suppression?
    2.b) If my dewback starts it's perform actions step with 1 suppression token, and i spur, giving it a 2nd suppression; after moving and triggering relentless (and perhaps attacking), does my dewback now lose an action from being suppressed in the middle of it's perform actions step?

    (i'm really just trying to remove all doubt and convince my brain to accept the new suppression rules. not trying to be difficult)

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