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Posts posted by halfadozensixes

  1. Under "transport X: open/closed" it reads: 

    "During Setup, if a player has deployed a vehicle with the Transport X keyword, they may choose, as one of their deployments, to deploy an eligible unit such that it is being transported by that vehicle, even if that vehicle is outside their deployment zone."


    Eligible unit is not clearly defined under this ruling.


    Under transported it reads: 

    "Units can be transported by vehicles with the Transport X and Light Transport X keyword. A unit that has embarked onto a vehicle is being transported by that vehicle until it disembarks from that vehicle."


    This suggests any unit may be transported and a unit counts as transported if it embarks or begins the game transported.

    Also, unless a unit performs a disembark move, it is still considered transported if it undertook an embark action to be transported, but not necessarily if it begins the game transported (having not taken an embark action).


    Under embark and disembark it reads:


    "A trooper unit may make a speed-1 embark or disembark move during a move action instead of making another movement. Units with speed 0, the Stationary keyword, a claimed objective token, or the creature trooper unit type cannot embark or disembark".


    This applies some limits on what units may perform an embark or disembark action, but not what units may be transported.


    Under transport X: open/closed it reads:


    "The Transport X keyword allows a vehicle to transport up to X friendly trooper units. Eligible units can perform an embark move to be transported by a vehicle with the Transport X keyword."


    This would suggest that vehicles with the transport keyword are limited to only transporting trooper units.


    Taking that together, it would seem that:


    A) it is legal to deploy a creature trooper unit within a transport despite them being unable to undertake embark or disembark actions.


    B) when a transport is destroyed carrying any unit that embarked into it, they still technically seem to count as transported as "When a vehicle that is transporting a unit is defeated, before removing that vehicle from the battlefield, place the unit leader of a transported unit in base contact with the vehicle.

    Then, remove the vehicle and place any other miniatures in cohesion. The unit that was being transported gains a suppression token and suffers one wound. Then, flip any order tokens the unit has facedown or assign it a facedown order token if it does not have any" does not seem to state they cease to be transported and the earlier quotes rule states they must take a disembark action to cease being transported.


    C) it is unclear if units that begin the game being transported are able to disembark via a disembark action or any other way.


    Can you please confirm the way these rules function?


    Many thanks for clarifying.


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