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Posts posted by kevinclow

  1. When count dooku using "you disappoint me" on a unit that has movement of 1 such as units holding a Hostage, Snowtroopers, etc.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

    Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit that can't be moved at all?  Such as fd turrets or units with any immobilized tokens that can't move.  Can you still make a speed 2 move?

    Can count dooku able to use "you disappoint me" on a unit to make a climb?


    Can count dooku able to use keywords when making making a speed 2 unit that unit such as jump, sper etc

  2. In the rules of embarking it says "A trooper unit may make a speed-1 embark or disembark move during a move action instead of making another movement."
    "To embark on a vehicle with the Transport X: Closed keyword, a unit must end an embark move with their unit leader in base contact with the vehicle, then sacrifice an action to embark on the vehicle."


    Does that means it has to spend 2 actions to make an embark action?

    Black Sun makes a attacking into stormtroopers then embarks into a speeder truck


    I have some questions about standby and how do they trigger.

    If an enemy unit is within standby range and los then moves out of standby range and still have los does standby trigger?

    If an enemy unit moves through a standby range and los but ends more than standby range and still have los does it trigger?

    Does the standby unit able to make free actions after making a move action or an attack action such as relentless, charge, gunslinger etc


    Can the standby unit able to attack any target once the standby was triggered?




  4. Can you use Spur multiple times in an activation?  If so, do you gain an suppression token pre move?

    An example, a dewback rider activates and does 2 standard move.  Would he be able to use spur to make a speed 2 move for both move actions and would he gain a suppression token pre move action?

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