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Posts posted by Guillaume

  1. Hello !

    I wonder what happens if the Here I am Token of Bane is reaveled (scouting movement, etc.), during the deployment step, and Cad is equipped with a comms relay while an other unit (B1 for example) is close enough to receive the order with comms relay.

    I understand that he gives an order to himself, so, with comms relay, I assume he can issue his order to the B1 instead at range 2 (and will receive his 2 dodges on turn 1). Then the B1 can issue an order to an other unit of B1 if close enough, etc.

    I'm then supposed to select I make the rules now during round 1. As he already received an order during deployment step, does the limitation of comms relay "cannot be issued an other order" works on round 1, or do I have, at the beginning of round 1, to remove the orders, and select Cad Bane to give an order to himself, or do I leave the order token of the deployment step, and issue a new order to Bane, as it is a new round, and must keep the order to him if no other unit is at range, or relay the order oif an other unit without order is at range at this point ?

    It does not change anything for Bane if I have to remove the order tokens at the end of deployment (beginning of round 1), but it matters for the other units : if B1 were issued orders during the deployment step, and if I have to select Cad Bane at the beginning of round 1, for example, it allows me tu use the comms relay to issue order to an other unit than the previous, without removing the orders issued to B1s previsouly.

    Additionnaly, what happens during the game if, during a round, the "Here I am" token is revealed. Can Cad Bane use his comms relay to issue order to an unit if this unit as not already received an order at the beginning of the round ?

    I thank you for your answer !!

    Best regards,




  2. Hello !

    I need some precisions about the wheel mode with Droidekas and how it deals with AI.

    I understand that I choose to use or not the wheel mode "at the start of its activation". If I choose the wheel mode, I understand that I can ignore the AI: Attack at the "perform action step", even without Order token, because I'm already in wheel mode since the "resolve any abilities or Effects" that occurs before the "Rallying step". Is it correct ?

    Thank you for your help on this !



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