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Posts posted by Lonewolf

  1. I read the rules, and searched the forms.  Just want to clear some stuff up incase its not clear

    1. Deployment - Are grunts deployed like a normal character at the start of the game?  (so within 3 of board edge, anywhere on the controlling players board edge, or within "X" of parent model?

    2. Deployment - When can/are grunts deployed?  Anytime before start of game? When you set up the first potential parent, at that same time do you set up the grunt? (set down two models at one "turn" of placement? OR place parent, then oppenent goes, then "have" to place grunt?

    3. Activation of grunts - So got that first selected parent dictates when grunts go, but do grunts get two actions like everyone else, or only one?

    4. Can SLDD and Elektra benfit from the hand ninja's being within range two of them for their big spender attacks?  So lets say Elektra starts on her turn, hand ninjas make an attack of two, pending above question, and then she goes, has power to use Impale and is within range, gets 10 die attack.  Then oppenent goes, then SLDD goes and is within range 2 of the hand  Ninja's, can he also add 2 dice to his Demon's Devastation attack?

    Shuriken Arashi Tactic Card - The ideal setup for this is to move the Hand ninja's into range, but still within range two of SLDD, to maximize the short movement of the target.  If the targeted character moves out of range and there are no other targets, does this attack just fail, or can another action be selected in its place?  


  2. If I chose another character within 3 of lockjaw, Can i move that character 3 in any direction from their current position?


    So could i select someone 3 away from lockjaw, and then move them away from lockjaw so they would be "6" away from lockjaw?


    Or is this saying I can move that selected character within 3 to lockjaws side?


  3. What I'm asking is can the attacker put three tokens on a console that doesn't have any on it, then roll three dice to see if they sound the alarm.


    Does the attacker only get to put one token on the console per interaction. So first interaction they place one disruption token, roll one dice.  Next interaction they place another disruption token and roll two dice, until there are three on that one console.

    It just reads funny and the defender gets to remove up to three for each wild, crit, or hit they roll to remove a disruption token.

  4. Want to make sure I'm playing this right.  

    "This character my modify and reroll skull dice results.  This character my reroll all of its attack or defense dice once per attack."

    So I interpret this as I can reroll any number of skull dice results I get on attack of defense dice, AND additionally I can reroll the whole dice pool once per attack?

    This right?

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