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Posts posted by Butninja

  1. Hello There!,


    In a recent tournament the following scenario came up with movement regarding the JUMP keyword, with the following parameters set on terrain and minis which were discussed prior to the game starting:

    • Grey box ruin terrain with no windows or doors - Heavy cover, LOS blocking, Height 1, Impassable, non-difficult terrain. (Note that the terrain has a roof covering, as indicated, and is thus cube shaped, but open on two sides). We ruled the walls as being impassable for normal movement, but the roof you are still able to move onto, normally with climbs or such.
    • Blue - Anakin
    • Red - Maul



    In the previous turn Anakin had nestled himself into the corner of this terrain piece to avoid incoming fire from enemy units. in the next turn I attempted to move Anakin with the JUMP keyword as indicated in scenario A, with the movement tool overlapping the terrain (shown on image). In an attempt to get into melee with Maul, by "jumping" through the terrain without changing height, but ignoring the terrain piece.

    My opponent said this is not possible, as they believe the JUMP keyword cannot go through walls or terrain, only over them when changing height with movement.

    I argued against this stating that the movement keyword states the following: "The unit performs a move action as normal and can ignore or end its movement on top of terrain that is height X or lower." and "...When making a move with the Jump X action, a unit may place the movement template overlapping impassable terrain but may not end its move overlapping it" Thus to my understanding the jump keyword may be used to move through terrain pieces as indicated in scenario A, even when not changing heights.



    1. What is the correct scenario and usage of the JUMP keyword, A or B?
    2. Can the JUMP keyword be used even without changing heights between terrain? (i.e. jumping from height 0 to another part of the battlefield that is also height 0)



  2. Hello There!


    We had a recent interaction during a game where both the Advanced Positions, and Supply Drop battle plans were in play.

    With both sides already having units with various scout values, two questions popped up:

    • Does the scout keyword value gained from Advanced positions stack with existing scout keywords (during the deploy phase?) such as Rex, ARC troopers, Boil, Recon intel etc.)
    • Are you allowed to be in base contact with condition tokens, before the first round begins? (the CRB only states that to be the case with Objective tokens, and we could not find any ruling that stated otherwise)



  3. Hello there!

    We had a recent interaction in a game that I'd like to get some clarification on:


    In this round, my opponent played "Size Matters Sometimes" and activated Chewbacca as his first order activation.

    Chewbacca was enraged from a previous turn, and thus had charge. Using Chewbacca, my opponent moved twice, with the last move being a charge towards an ARC Trooper unit #1, ending in base contact with them, and putting them into melee (Chewie + ARC Trooper #1). According to the "Size matter Sometimes" card, he then placed Yoda in base contact with Chewbacca, but in such a way that Yoda was also in base contact with another nearby ARC Trooper unit #2. (Yoda + ARC Trooper #2)

    We ruled this as being okay to do, but the interaction is still unclear to me.



    1. Is this a legal move? As I know a unit cannot initiate a melee with multiple units per activation, but Yoda is not the same unit as Chewbacca in this interaction, so it seems to be fine regarding this ruling.
    2. The card "Size matters sometimes" states that Yoda cannot perform moves if he is placed in base contact with Chewbacca at the start of the Command Card. Does this allow Yoda to (as per the explanation above) move into melee, as per the core rulebooks "moving into melee" ruling? As that only states that miniatures in base-to-base contact, are considered to be in melee?


    Thank you!

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